
I am an STScI postdoctoral fellow at Space Telescope Science Institute, where I split my time working with exotic transients with the Transients Science @ Space Telescope group and the Roman Space Telescope. I graduated with an Astronomy PhD in 2021 from Harvard University, where I worked with the Berger Time Domain Group on the discovery and classification of exotic supernovae, particularly on the optical study of superluminous supernovae and tidal disruption events, as well as machine learning techniques to find these objects more efficiently. I am originally from Ciudad Juárez, México. I attended college nearby at The University of Texas at El Paso with a degree in Physics in 2015. While at UTEP I focused on the study of X-ray binaries, especially on the discovery of new galactic black hole X-ray binaries. In my spare time I like to do archery and photography.

For my exhaustive CV: Curriculum Vitae